Monday, June 4, 2012

The protest for the sake of protest

In Europe, the restless. The elites want to maintain power, the policy thinkers predict the decline of civilization and need to be aware that as before will be gone, and the people, by contrast, wants everything to be as before, and he and the people, for it was nothing.
In general, there is a normal life in the new historical and financial context. As told by William Shakespeare and John Steinbeck ' winter of our discontent ', even though it still only November.
Much more than the national debt of Britain, the possible collapse of Greece, as well as the forthcoming local government officials global strike, I take a tent camp, which arose spontaneously near St. Paul's Cathedral in London. And not even because the members of the movement ' Capture the London Stock Exchange ' a little bit mixed up and instead of the financial center blocked the temple, but mainly because of the outbreak around the media circus.

Let's see: on the one hand - the age-old and an established institution, reputable and high-ranking church hierarchy with well -sounding voices and honed manners, on the other - a group of young and middle-aged people who are concerned with ' failure ' of capitalism and calling for. Frankly, I do not know what.

So how do you think who win in this confrontation? .

Let's start with the fact that St. Paul was unlucky. That is, I suspect that when Christopher Wren built the architectural masterpiece of its own on-site fire -stricken London Gothic building, it is hardly thought about the problems of capitalism. Moreover, most of all, the opinion of the then monarch worry him much more than some sort of impending mob.

But it so happened that the new building of the London Stock Exchange was built just at the Cathedral. Like, here's the financial center near the center of the spiritual, the complete unity of spirit and matter in the best traditions of modern society.

The demonstrators did not deal with the fact whether they have claims against the Church of England: they failed to break the tent directly from the exchange ( the financiers and the insidious warning in advance, in time employing lawyers who have made the ban ), so insignificant, they settled in sumnyashesya steps stronghold of faith, under the monument .

Then it becomes really fun. Ministers of religion are beginning to visibly nervous. In the end, the Cathedral on one side only temple of God, on the other - business. Religious people can go to the service for free, but visitors are invited to shell out a little, buy souvenirs, extra money, and shortness of breath grate corn, climbing the 611 steps to the top of the dome, to overlook such a height in London, in a general way to the usual 101 fair .

Now imagine the average tourist. What do you think he wants to break through to the beautiful camp full of fun, sometimes not quite sober, actively condemning capitalism, ladies and gentlemen? . Hence, Paul 's visit to the Holy postponed, the cathedral suffered losses, and so on.

Also, always concerned about ' health and safety ' power suddenly doubted, and will not suffer if a visiting guest from the chaotic taught according tents? . Because after all decided to open the back. Some of the council boss resigns. Some high-ranking churchmen decided to talk to MPs and persuade them to disperse quietly and peacefully, while others want to sue.

At the word ' court ' in the enemies of capitalism leaped youthful enthusiasm, ... The main weapon of the Damned capital!. Corrupt lawyers! . his lawyers. '.

And Themis in Britain not hurry love. While all parties to express their opinion until all the arguments are given, then the demonstrators, for example, be asked to roll camp, but they will appeal immediately, and then it will still be considered for some time. So not only Christmas New Year will take place, but also Easter! .

And everyone, ladies and gentlemen, every single day zealous journalists oshivayutsya around the cathedral, in every way trying to find a new dimension to this story. Anticapitalists basking in the glory, the bishops and rectors shivered, fearing to authorize a police crackdown, and the bankers went to a service in the neighborhood, and go.

The principal financial losses are the owners of small shops, cafes and restaurants surrounding the Cathedral. Usually they are due to travel the same stockbrokers, popping up in a sandwich. Now what? . And bankers, too, you know, not stupid, why would they climb for those who does not love them, and go to other places to eat. Somehow I do not think that the fighters for the bright future of the tents are so much concerned.

And most importantly, I still am trying to understand why are they seeking? . Well, that like? . So what? .

Although a response to this question, I still found. It's not capitalism, and not a lack of common sense ( common sense, and his absence some other time, this is a subject very close to my heart, and the passing of her did not want to ), and in the absence of objective.