Friday, March 30, 2012

Changes in the concert program

a. December 1-4, I was in St. Petersburg.
2. December 5-6 in Kiev.
3. 7-10 in Paris.
4. 11.10 in Moscow.
Space is left literally at a meeting in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow.

Quick reference to Softline designers

http://softcloud. ru / developers /.

As part of the project Softcloud Softline company is looking for companies and private developers involved in the development of software applications running on the SaaS model. We offer developers a unique opportunity for promotion of software products in the markets of Russia, CIS and foreign countries through the project Softcloud.

worth a try.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The paradox of free

When I wrote. offer. to expand the brand, it is not thought that faced with the same. people. willing to allocate money to someone unknown. But when with them, but do not ask - it is their very confused. As a result, I spent about a dozen talks about three or four cases of agreement. But so far no one has started. He took the money, I feel that it would be quite a different attitude.

Am I surprised? . Probably a little bit sad. On the other hand, I am sure that those who do come to the end and will work as described in a personal communication scheme and standards will be successful not only because he began working under a common brand, but because he realized the competitive advantage that gets .

Sometimes what a gift - it's good. While not for everyone. For example, are always laid out in various exhibitions all garbage. And the people went to the show specifically to sweep away the package dozens of pens, notebook, pennants. Over time, I began to notice that there are more people who are fit, Revolve Souvenirs and put back - because I do not need to. And move on. grown up.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012


By the way, for some reason have not yet bought the top banner. Lord advertisers - look for an empty seat at 90vmz/mes. Your money is used for charitable purposes - supports young writers on the project. ' Troy ounce '. So run disburse banner!.

Actually, the reviews. Let's go in reverse order, as I turn the tape so it's easier to Twi.

Sometimes I think, according to the whims of what people choose certain names. Why ren, why Kid? . e. successful and the clever fool. Language of the author's pleasant, writes mostly about income in the network. He writes with his tongue than once has. But the proposals are short and ragged, like a teenager thinking. And, in fact - Kid. Gump, or the Fool. I advise amateurs layfhaka. This is one of the blogs, where seemingly about earnings, but at the same time - about myself.
http://renkid. ru /.

Dude writes transcripts. About earnings, review any fuety. Really very good language. The only pity is that the white on gray - it makes eyes strained. And so - even strange that he has so few subscribers. Sam read the two posts as a whole, although it is usually glance over at the time of review.
http://neverlex. com.

Blog of the discharge, which I do not read. Notes cap. News from the world of IT in their own words. These articles and blogs gather a large audience with the search, but in fact are sterile and do not have souls. Those mega tricks of internet. So I do not like the blog, but everyone has the reader in his - to be aware of.
http://hashtag. org. ua /.

But this blog and its author I sympathize. Unsuccessful blogoplatforma prevent the author really earn his child, on the other side in each article are part of the soul, even if passing daydzhestny post.
http://vsego. wordpress. com /.

Pyrilsya couple of minutes to realize that I do not like. Then I realized - secondary. Almost all articles chew chew someone has ideas and thoughts. It seems everything is clear, well written, a lot of comments. But the feeling of deja vu does not leave. And the man rarely writes. It is extremely rare. For a professional blogger is not permissible.
http://www. firstseoblog. com.

Wow! . Do something wrote on the Kaliningrad region. There remains one question - the author was there, what he wrote? . So sorry, suckers, or blog for fans of Wikipedia, m. e. sterile copyright. Although it is written carefully.
http://zetur. ru /.

Aha! . Excellent balance between SEO and personal posts. Language, of course, hilenky, copyright must still pump up and pump up. But the other components is even anything for such a seemingly boring niche as seoblogi.
http://moneyking. ru.

And this bastard just ripped a piece of slack, because it is difficult now to find someone who has not heard of Terekhov. So FIG him, not opinion - it was in the post about heroes.
http://www. terehoff. com /.

Here you seoshny lytdybr. More personal, less - of the work, very sensitive about any gadgets or techniques. Not a very clear purpose of the existence of this blog. Likely to splash the accumulated day or week. All the better so than cats from a pneumatic gun at night snitch. But, of course, the blog is very specific - for an amateur.
http://nubic. ru /.

Flipped through both pages - did not understand. In general, a blog for Linux users. More precisely for those looking to fellow spirit. It has long been convinced that Linux users even think in a different way, if at all, and brain under the FAT or NTFS formatted, and they have, stsuko, in other words - you have to put the converter in order to understand.
http://vzlom. org. ru /.

Nuboblog. I love nuboblogi - they make useful things, t. e. take on the mission of teaching beginners. I, frankly, Sick of it is to write simple and clear positions on the topic zamylennye. And the man said, honestly - there is no creative ideas and works in your niche. I respect and recommend for beginners. Given that there is still skips and personal articles, to which I am not indifferent, because in general - all running back.
http://seoadvicer. ru /.

If it says the author - it's very cool. If you copy-paste - respect to the one who writes. It's not a damn blogging article. This is a real strong coffee materials. I would advise the author to send their articles, or Pioneer of Russian Reporter.
http://allpa. ru / category / from-blog /.

A typical SEO Blog. Many articles on the topic of earnings. More and have nothing to say.
http://seoart. org. ua /.

Wonderful Belarusian bloggers may be only Belarusian bloggers. Design by Facebook looks prikolnenko. Arguments lyubopytnenkie. I love the Belarusian seo - it is a special.
http://arseny. info /.

Specialized blog on Twitter. What to look for on the internet looking for here gathered a bunch of. But such a purely technical blog make me yawn. Although once a year, I consistently nakovyrivayu blog for Todd blogspotu to find there a necessary link in the module.
http://twitback. blogspot. com /.

The Second Coming Kuznetsova. Blog ctrlc. ru was sold and now it has hardened seoblogger developing another site. As it should be developing - positions are mostly for beginners. Few will wait until the posts and go serious subscribe, probably.
http://kuzen. ru /.

Zhezheshechnoe. Many words and seemed to be right, but do not remain in memory. Learn reminds me of a bad episode: while looking fun, turned off the TV and forget. And explain why this is happening - you can not.
http://anytrue. livejournal. com /.

Here, too, such as personal blog, but something stops. Whether the posts dedicated to the next contest. That is something else. But he also writes. No one asks. Write off all of the youth 's.
http://just-seo. ru /.

Blog mad Russian, the author of the eponymous CBS. It was interesting to look through. But do not tsepanulo. Something strongly reminded Brakes. Individual articles - a very personal, and most of the current affairs. First of such articles Presov (man alive! ), And then get bored. That drug is dosed water. Language is good, lively and bright. But overweight and rarity lytdybr scribbling kill this blog.
http://crazy-russian. ru /.

I understand that Bolverin gave her a link, so I gave him a kick on the renewal of the publication of posts. I give. This blog would not prevent the regularity. On the one hand, it is quite ordinary seoblog, on the other - there is raisins, remained not make it a turd.
http://bolverin. com /.

A good blog. Like normal subjects, and seoshnye. But a well- fed. Intervyushek a lot of worthless people. I would advise you look, and even subscribe. It is unlikely that you will be sorry.
http://tiamatinc. ru /.

The PR community is known to my readers old Anton Rodionov, who leaned out of SMO, first to sell animal feed, and now delivers flowers. In his community, Anton tries to write about corporate blogs, and any such Labuda. You'll see, it will be interesting.
http://community. livejournal. com/enterprise20 /.

At this today. Subscribe to my Twitter, if you have your own - this will allow you to influence the posts in this blog. Or get in such surveys. Or soon will be handing out invites to a small club in Twi in connection with. Big sale of the October. Who has signed up and will monitor the ether - the fellow.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Report for November 2008

Among the search engine Google has kept the primacy of a large (nearly ten-fold margin ) due to a stay of an episodic blog in Yandex. Somehow blog nedolyublyuvaet Rambler. There is an impression that he was not even difficult to index blog. Well, with FIG.

From the blog partner by far is the blog. Spomoni. - 161, and then blog. Bournisien. - 93 and. yellow blogger. - 60.

Of the surprises - a lot of strange calls from a tape Yandex (251).

As for the query, then there without incident: in the top combinations of phrases 'master-x', 'satellite-x', 'autoblog-x'. As well as ' Dora ', ' siege ' and ' Crisis '.

Among the countries leading Russia (65%), Ukraine ( 22%), Belarus ( 5%) - who would doubt. Among the regions - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Eburg, Perm.

For browsers funny picture - half display falls on the FF, 30 % at the Opera. Donkey - in the minority! . exe file in safe mode replaced by calc. exe - just replace the latter in the name and location zapihnuv donkey. What do you advise and.

Leadership among the articles, as before holding large step by step instructions. But in November, just half as much interest was aroused by the appearance of Avtobloga, other articles are listed in the top right at the top of the blog.

Financial turnover of just over three thousand. VSW. But in November, I did not deduce anything from the sap, and this amount does not include the parishes associated with the non-cash receipts and cash in your pocket - m. e. those that are not included in the e- cash. T. e. everything remains the same as last month, slightly lower.

What good is it in November: Start AutoBlog-X - 62 licenses have been sold. Two new contracts for sites, one on a big flash site, work has already begun. Despite the crisis can not be afloat and even advance. Now it's possible to purchase licenses on the machine - see. link at the top right.

What is wrong? . The highest exhaust, however, those who prepared it from the beginning of summer: Yellow blogger example.

December seems to be more optimistic: started already about 70-80 blogs ( based on AutoBlog-X), signed new contracts, there is a revival in the tourism front. In all likelihood come to NY Satellite-X 4. 0 - completely updated kernel, faster and more intuitive interface. We know what you need!.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

All of their hands

It's amazing how much and how easily you can build traffic and links to articles with the prefix ' own hands '. Moreover, serious efforts for this is not required - easy copywriting, some pictures, and even the presence of any serious numbers in vordstate.

A nice bonus - a good article will get links and traffic from different blozhekov and forums. Depending on the source in the happy days you can get about half of the total attendance of such links.

What can I say, if there is even such exotica as ' plant their own hands ' and ' rabbits with their own hands '. There is a ' sex toys with their own hands '. In fact, this is the traffic to any niche. Let it not be converted, but it increases the PF and is a source for new natural links.

In my case, one of the clients of approximately 10 % of search traffic goes to the various Home Furnishings ' own hands '. And another 10 to 20% of the amount of traffic nepoiskovogo utaschennym transitions on the links to their blozheki and Forums. As a result - increased total search traffic.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

From the retro- Orlov:)


View their outstanding Reed -list for the summer and found a stunning post from Alexander Orlov Roller ' How did Agile' Mary Evgrashinoy. Who goes with the times (and does not remain on the half-year ) - free. And my fellow countrymen: Latvians, Estonians, fiiiinnnnny - forward:. http://www. happy-pm. com / blog /? p = 5196. - Smile and wave!.

Good luck in the new 1996. :) Or am I late again?.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Conversations with Katka

It is useful to. Pasib, you Katya.

The main topic of conversation - sex. A woman is not so easy to talk about sex. For many - it is a taboo, a private. And hear from the lips of women, in the same mouth she kept not only the ice cream. pleasantly. It seems like a man confessed that he is a man.

Sex as a whole - an integral part of our lives. Before puberty, he plays no role, except that causing curiosity. Then, by the age of twelve it is not aimless interest. Girls and boys are looking for a place in life, and what they look like and frightening, and intriguing.

By the age of 20 wish to be made in a form understandable. Not that anybody at that time did not have time to have sex (like me). many had. But he tries it, do not understand. Orgasm in 18 can not be compared with an orgasm in 30. As boys and girls alike. Especially for girls.

Orgasm - all things multi-component and is in addition to the physiological sensations, comparable to the loss of consciousness, of the emotional feelings. And those, in turn, may consist of thousands of other feelings. In any case, I know the state is close to an orgasm without it in physiological terms. Just was not good, but. super. !.

Generally, about 20 boys, girls self-fulfilling sex ( no longer than) in the 22-30 pick up his ideal, 30, and then everything is easy - or he (she ), or fucked up. Not because it is impossible to be in the 30 to 20 - is complete nonsense. Just 30 you begin to prepare to think about the eternal: the family, career, future, embodied in children, welfare, finally. And the sex seamlessly into the background.

No, sex does not disappear in 30. But no longer dominate. You can have a look over the situation, and even in the process give yourself advice. Goes away forever ' Come on, take off your clothes faster '. And, perhaps, it is good. When, in general, from the rather banal physiological needs you begin to draw nice details and nuances.

Yesterday the girl an hour explaining how to keep guy. More precisely, it is better not to hold, and find one that will not have to keep. Do not imbued. She needs it, the same. For the love. Or there is something else. In general, I'll write a post specifically for those. later today.

At the most valuable block of the frequency range 700 MHz found a buyer

The auction for the sale of 700 MHz spectrum, which takes place in the United States, entered a decisive phase on Thursday found a buyer for the most valuable of the five bands for sale - the so-called block ' C'.
Recall that for sale in the auction display frequency, which is currently using an analog TV ( channel 52 th to 69 th ). After the transition of the United States to digital broadcasting next year, the frequency range 700 MHz freed, and carriers will be able to use them for the deployment of wireless mobile networks with high bandwidth and large coverage area.
Bidding at the auction began at the end of last month. Total offered five blocks - from 'A' to ' E', but the most interesting are the units ' C' (band 22 MHz ) and 'D' ( bandwidth 10 MHz). The fact that these bands allow you to deploy a radio network on a national scale. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set minimum prices for blocks of ' C' and 'D' of 4.7 billion and $ 1.3 billion, respectively.
It now informs Associated Press, on Thursday to block ' C' was suggested by the minimum required amount of 4.7 billion dollars. The name of the company that made the offer to purchase, do not say, however, according to experts, it can either search giant Google, or Verizon Wireless, a joint venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group.
And from that, who exactly will be the winner of the bout will depend on the future of the network based on the frequency band of the block ' C'. The fact that Google is in favor of an open broadband network in which customers will work with any devices and applications without any restrictions. At the same time Verizon Wireless may create a network to promote their own services exclusively.
In general, after eighteen rounds of the auction for the 700 MHz frequency spectrum proposed $ 13.7 billion. The Federal Communications Commission originally hoped to gain from the sale of frequencies from 10 to 15 billion dollars. Thus, we can assume that the auction is nearing completion.
Source:. Kompyulenta.

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Marriage, as they say, is good!.

Once again, congratulations to newlyweds!.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Japan and China will give the world another Internet

c4518f042be84ec4ae6a2831318f3fae_fullThe Japanese once again ahead of the rest. The scientists of this country have begun to create a new generation of Internet.

The technology must be run for commercial use by 2020.

In the autumn of 2007 the joint efforts of scientists, government agencies and businesses will create an organization that will develop and market new technology. For this project in 2008, the Ministry of Communications of Japan promises to provide about $ 68.3 million. It is planned that the new network will be faster and more reliable than the current Internet. In addition, it will be less susceptible to security problems - said cnews. ru.

However, while the Japanese navy, and do not reveal all the secrets of their technology, their Chinese counterparts are ready to report on progress. Back in September 2006, they announced the creation of networks based on Internet Protocol next generation IPv6. The main objective of this project is to reduce the country's dependence on Western telecommunications companies: all of the work was done by Chinese experts. Today the network has brought together 167 departments in 25 universities in 20 cities. Data transfer rate reaches up to 10 gigabytes per second, but this is not the limit. To date, the world's largest network based on the protocol next-generation IPv6.

Directs an ambitious project director of the expert committee on the construction of the Chinese educational and research Woo Dzhyanping. Now, when the network started in normal mode, it is extremely proud of his country: ... ru.

nnm. ru.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Webcam on the ' all hands ' by Hercules

82702The company ALION, Hercules distributes devices in Russia, presented the webcam Dualpix Chat and Show. The device allows simultaneous display photos and comment on them in chat mode, convert and upload videos / photos to iPod, PSP, blog, mailbox, etc. Moreover, this tiny device looks pretty interesting.

The main advantage of the camera - software Hercules Xtra Controller, which also contributes to the versatility of media communication. It's nice that before sending the photos do not need to convert, since everything is done automatically.

Dualpix Chat and Show features high-quality matrix ( 1.3 MP ), is compatible with Windows Live Messenger, MSN Messenger, Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, connects via USB 2. 0, and works without drivers with Windows XP SP2 and Vista. Comes with extra headphones with a microphone, an installation CD. The estimated cost of the product is 1199 rubles. In stores this camera appears at the end of this month.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The hybrid sports cars from Lexus February 2

Lexus introduced at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the concept of a new hybrid sport coupe with the landing formula 2 February. The concept, called the LF-LC, can be seen on the Lexus stand up to January 22. Focused on the driver's sport coupe shows in what direction will develop design ideas Lexus.

... - ' The main change has become a symbol expressive grille in the shape of a spindle, which debuted on the new GS. Introduced in Detroit concept - the next stage in the development of the modern history of Lexus. With a bright and expressive look, this hybrid concept with the landing formula 2 2 shows the design direction of future models of Lexus, which should appear in the next few years '.

The headquarters of Lexus in Japan commissioned the development of a conceptual design of future hybrid sports cars owned by the studio Calty, located in Newport Beach, California, USA. Calty designers have tried to rethink the vision of the brand Lexus, bringing to it an emotional, avant-garde beauty and modern technology, and at the same time maintain the attractiveness of Lexus buyers for premium cars.
... ...

LF-LC uses the new Lexus design language in its most striking manifestations: distinctive grille in the shape of the spindle and the design of the rear. Relief bends seamlessly transformed into a dynamic profile, creating a compelling picture of the lines, shadows and angles. Encased in a wide aluminum frame, branded grille in the shape of the spindle is allocated three-dimensional, sculptural honeycomb pattern and functional air ducts in the lower corners are both elements of style, and reasonable engineering design details.

The new military machine translation system MADCAT

news_12914_1_MDTranslation from foreign direct in combat - occupation unsafe and costly, so the defense industry conducts development that will automate this process without losing quality. Agency for advanced research projects DARPA Defense has entered into with the company BBN Technologies a contract worth 5.67 million dollars to develop a prototype multilingual translation MADCAT (Multilingual Automatic Document Classification Analysis and Translation), capable of rapidly translating into English and crumpled handwritten note on the . Result of the conversion is transferred to a PDA or laptop.

If you believe the analysts, the contract for the automated translation in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else will cost U.S. taxpayers $ 4.6 billion over the next five years. And that's not counting the cost of the remaining salary for translators. Job interpreter in Iraq is now considered one of the most dangerous.

American soldiers in the presence of permanent deal with the various pictures in foreign language, road signs, print media, captured documents, the inscriptions on the walls - and each of them can make a huge difference in a combat situation. According to the agency DARPA, under present cost to transfer a large part of this material, or simply ignored, or transfer comes too late.

When the system MADCAT, the U.S. Army will be provided in this aspect of the ... During the tendering agency DARPA presented any requirement for applicants to demonstrate a ... Proposals of different companies that carry ...

The company BBN says in a news release that he was going to develop, combining ...

mobiledevice. ru.