Sunday, March 18, 2012

The new military machine translation system MADCAT

news_12914_1_MDTranslation from foreign direct in combat - occupation unsafe and costly, so the defense industry conducts development that will automate this process without losing quality. Agency for advanced research projects DARPA Defense has entered into with the company BBN Technologies a contract worth 5.67 million dollars to develop a prototype multilingual translation MADCAT (Multilingual Automatic Document Classification Analysis and Translation), capable of rapidly translating into English and crumpled handwritten note on the . Result of the conversion is transferred to a PDA or laptop.

If you believe the analysts, the contract for the automated translation in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else will cost U.S. taxpayers $ 4.6 billion over the next five years. And that's not counting the cost of the remaining salary for translators. Job interpreter in Iraq is now considered one of the most dangerous.

American soldiers in the presence of permanent deal with the various pictures in foreign language, road signs, print media, captured documents, the inscriptions on the walls - and each of them can make a huge difference in a combat situation. According to the agency DARPA, under present cost to transfer a large part of this material, or simply ignored, or transfer comes too late.

When the system MADCAT, the U.S. Army will be provided in this aspect of the ... During the tendering agency DARPA presented any requirement for applicants to demonstrate a ... Proposals of different companies that carry ...

The company BBN says in a news release that he was going to develop, combining ...

mobiledevice. ru.

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