Monday, March 26, 2012


By the way, for some reason have not yet bought the top banner. Lord advertisers - look for an empty seat at 90vmz/mes. Your money is used for charitable purposes - supports young writers on the project. ' Troy ounce '. So run disburse banner!.

Actually, the reviews. Let's go in reverse order, as I turn the tape so it's easier to Twi.

Sometimes I think, according to the whims of what people choose certain names. Why ren, why Kid? . e. successful and the clever fool. Language of the author's pleasant, writes mostly about income in the network. He writes with his tongue than once has. But the proposals are short and ragged, like a teenager thinking. And, in fact - Kid. Gump, or the Fool. I advise amateurs layfhaka. This is one of the blogs, where seemingly about earnings, but at the same time - about myself.
http://renkid. ru /.

Dude writes transcripts. About earnings, review any fuety. Really very good language. The only pity is that the white on gray - it makes eyes strained. And so - even strange that he has so few subscribers. Sam read the two posts as a whole, although it is usually glance over at the time of review.
http://neverlex. com.

Blog of the discharge, which I do not read. Notes cap. News from the world of IT in their own words. These articles and blogs gather a large audience with the search, but in fact are sterile and do not have souls. Those mega tricks of internet. So I do not like the blog, but everyone has the reader in his - to be aware of.
http://hashtag. org. ua /.

But this blog and its author I sympathize. Unsuccessful blogoplatforma prevent the author really earn his child, on the other side in each article are part of the soul, even if passing daydzhestny post.
http://vsego. wordpress. com /.

Pyrilsya couple of minutes to realize that I do not like. Then I realized - secondary. Almost all articles chew chew someone has ideas and thoughts. It seems everything is clear, well written, a lot of comments. But the feeling of deja vu does not leave. And the man rarely writes. It is extremely rare. For a professional blogger is not permissible.
http://www. firstseoblog. com.

Wow! . Do something wrote on the Kaliningrad region. There remains one question - the author was there, what he wrote? . So sorry, suckers, or blog for fans of Wikipedia, m. e. sterile copyright. Although it is written carefully.
http://zetur. ru /.

Aha! . Excellent balance between SEO and personal posts. Language, of course, hilenky, copyright must still pump up and pump up. But the other components is even anything for such a seemingly boring niche as seoblogi.
http://moneyking. ru.

And this bastard just ripped a piece of slack, because it is difficult now to find someone who has not heard of Terekhov. So FIG him, not opinion - it was in the post about heroes.
http://www. terehoff. com /.

Here you seoshny lytdybr. More personal, less - of the work, very sensitive about any gadgets or techniques. Not a very clear purpose of the existence of this blog. Likely to splash the accumulated day or week. All the better so than cats from a pneumatic gun at night snitch. But, of course, the blog is very specific - for an amateur.
http://nubic. ru /.

Flipped through both pages - did not understand. In general, a blog for Linux users. More precisely for those looking to fellow spirit. It has long been convinced that Linux users even think in a different way, if at all, and brain under the FAT or NTFS formatted, and they have, stsuko, in other words - you have to put the converter in order to understand.
http://vzlom. org. ru /.

Nuboblog. I love nuboblogi - they make useful things, t. e. take on the mission of teaching beginners. I, frankly, Sick of it is to write simple and clear positions on the topic zamylennye. And the man said, honestly - there is no creative ideas and works in your niche. I respect and recommend for beginners. Given that there is still skips and personal articles, to which I am not indifferent, because in general - all running back.
http://seoadvicer. ru /.

If it says the author - it's very cool. If you copy-paste - respect to the one who writes. It's not a damn blogging article. This is a real strong coffee materials. I would advise the author to send their articles, or Pioneer of Russian Reporter.
http://allpa. ru / category / from-blog /.

A typical SEO Blog. Many articles on the topic of earnings. More and have nothing to say.
http://seoart. org. ua /.

Wonderful Belarusian bloggers may be only Belarusian bloggers. Design by Facebook looks prikolnenko. Arguments lyubopytnenkie. I love the Belarusian seo - it is a special.
http://arseny. info /.

Specialized blog on Twitter. What to look for on the internet looking for here gathered a bunch of. But such a purely technical blog make me yawn. Although once a year, I consistently nakovyrivayu blog for Todd blogspotu to find there a necessary link in the module.
http://twitback. blogspot. com /.

The Second Coming Kuznetsova. Blog ctrlc. ru was sold and now it has hardened seoblogger developing another site. As it should be developing - positions are mostly for beginners. Few will wait until the posts and go serious subscribe, probably.
http://kuzen. ru /.

Zhezheshechnoe. Many words and seemed to be right, but do not remain in memory. Learn reminds me of a bad episode: while looking fun, turned off the TV and forget. And explain why this is happening - you can not.
http://anytrue. livejournal. com /.

Here, too, such as personal blog, but something stops. Whether the posts dedicated to the next contest. That is something else. But he also writes. No one asks. Write off all of the youth 's.
http://just-seo. ru /.

Blog mad Russian, the author of the eponymous CBS. It was interesting to look through. But do not tsepanulo. Something strongly reminded Brakes. Individual articles - a very personal, and most of the current affairs. First of such articles Presov (man alive! ), And then get bored. That drug is dosed water. Language is good, lively and bright. But overweight and rarity lytdybr scribbling kill this blog.
http://crazy-russian. ru /.

I understand that Bolverin gave her a link, so I gave him a kick on the renewal of the publication of posts. I give. This blog would not prevent the regularity. On the one hand, it is quite ordinary seoblog, on the other - there is raisins, remained not make it a turd.
http://bolverin. com /.

A good blog. Like normal subjects, and seoshnye. But a well- fed. Intervyushek a lot of worthless people. I would advise you look, and even subscribe. It is unlikely that you will be sorry.
http://tiamatinc. ru /.

The PR community is known to my readers old Anton Rodionov, who leaned out of SMO, first to sell animal feed, and now delivers flowers. In his community, Anton tries to write about corporate blogs, and any such Labuda. You'll see, it will be interesting.
http://community. livejournal. com/enterprise20 /.

At this today. Subscribe to my Twitter, if you have your own - this will allow you to influence the posts in this blog. Or get in such surveys. Or soon will be handing out invites to a small club in Twi in connection with. Big sale of the October. Who has signed up and will monitor the ether - the fellow.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

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