Sunday, April 15, 2012

its a book

No, not so. OWN BOOK. Previously, it was fashionable nadrachivat to work, now all hard at drochat released book bloggers.

And if you think about it, for example, Andrew Mukhacheva reads per month 20,000 people. For the year accumulates about 100 unique visitors 150tysyach. How does it compare with copies of his upcoming book of a thousand copies. Or even let three thousand. Incidentally, I counted in the print edition of the print shop. somewhere 150tys. rubles is obtained. When the mass is even smaller orders. In theory, if so required OWN BOOK, you can easily do samizdat. I even dealt with the problem zapihivaniya in bookstores for a customer. Guys just throws from 50 to 100% of the top, and the calculation on the fact of implementation on a monthly basis. No tricks, just a long wait for the money.

But I think that is not so much the fact of inhaling the ink from the pages, as published by the recognition of your art suitable for printing on paper. Although, as for me, too, the fact is quite controversial, given the number of govnoliteratury on the shelves of bookstores.

I have nothing against the desire to be a writer. But I can not grasp why the microscopic circulation so easy to cross out all the merits of man online. The peak of your career? . And flipped through the book Tinkova more than poring. But the blogs they read. At Tinkova even signed - some dude actually zhzhot.

I have published articles in journals since the University. In my portfolio, and an article in the Hacker, and articles in business magazines in the 5- 15tys. copies. circulation, and newspaper articles. But written on the knee for fun ' Confessions zadroty ' read by more people than all of my articles, interviews, essays, and analyst for 15 years.

Sometimes I think that many writers, reforged in the bloggers, so taste the delights of online, in writing a blog regularly and hearty ( read Kaganov, Akunin or earliest Grishkovtsa ), and write books just because they pay for, and in another . For online you see the reaction of the reader, you feel it. After publishing a book, you can not see anything except dry sales figures. Therefore, and wondered why successful authors in recognition of tiny online Offline. Well the film was removed. or series. And, ugh, and only. Write and sell. but online. Faster, more fun and more money directly. Again, nature protects.

By the way, this year, sales of online books on Amazon for the first time exceeded sales of paper books. Following the last book fair circulation of paper books in Russia have fallen three times. The young author is extremely difficult to rely on the circulation of more than 3 thousand copies. Unless, of course, he suddenly did not write the new Twilight, Dark Tower, Ground, or at least Metro 2033.

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