Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kobita: What you need to start a business

To open a business, you must:.

- Examine the market over the sphere of its activity. It is likely that the offer is too rich, and the demand is not so great. As far as I know, even in the individual case furniture much competition. Although there is room for improvement: three cabinet and a table we did for almost a week, but really there for two days of work. To study the surface enough to walk around town, reading newspapers with ads, talk with friends. Usually, all limited to focus groups with relatives and friends, but it's not quite true - these people always want only good for you and therefore can be subjective in both directions. A simple test, tell me what you want to do business, embedding a penny and can be combined with previous work. And then let us know that it will be necessary to sell the apartment to start work. And if at first everyone will be happy for you, then after the second start vying to discourage - though the situation has not changed.

- Decide how organizational form you will be dealing. I personally love the company, but you are more suitable for IP. Probably just about the only negative PI today in small businesses, crooked grin of large customers that you are in your niche almost and not fall. In services, there is a different attitude. In consideration of IP easier, simpler taxation, easier observed.

- Decide how you will open the IP. I have never in my life did he not open. Always enjoyed the services of lawyers. Pay two - 3tys. rubles, but a heap of problems and avoiding loss of time. In fact, you are giving money to the lawyer, and after 3-7 days of getting the documents to the firm or entrepreneur, plus a contract with the bank to the account.

- If you UTII - bank account and you can not open, but it is better to open, then quickly because it does not open, then if you suddenly need. The logic of the costs of servicing the current account: money for the opening (from 500 to 6,000 rubles, depending on the bank), the monthly fee - but only if there was a movement on the account. Some banks even charge for every coin payment system. But all this is in the bank fees. I would recommend working with large banks, but there's everyone has their own tastes. Although remembered as the people rushed in bankruptcy BaltKredoBanka and Network Oil Bank, do not. Government guarantees for money on the accounts of enterprises does not. You will then sue the bank in arbitration.

- If you open an account, connect directly online bank. And do not take no checkbooks - tariffs for settlement service almost anywhere wild. Expose all on any of your debit card. Wages, dividends, accountability. Translation during the day, no queues at banks, any errors in filling out checks, no commissions on the observed. 10 years since work.

- Now we have to solve a problem with your accountant. I worked without an accountant just three months before the first report. Then I decided, or work, or accounting. And the chosen work. Tariffs for small companies ranging from 2 to 10 thousand. The fewer entries, the lower the rate. Accountants in outsourcing - complete. But I would recommend for a large number of entries to work with firms. Although this is a subjective opinion, but here at least there is someone to bring a claim. Simple freelancer just say ' I'm tired ' and all that you can stay in the middle of the report without accounting. So taking things one freelancer, we shuffled a report and flew to a fine of PF.

- You can not hire an accountant to postoyanku, and pay on a quarterly basis for reporting. But then the reports will take themselves. Instead, save yourself a lot of money. This would only be recommended to those who have little or no entries. To me, saving 2- 3tys. / month. in their dealings with the tax - a more expensive.

- As I said, IE can do almost anything not to give up. But here we must inquire with lawyers. We honestly all of renting. And for all the company, and IP. And on the USN, and UTII. Quarterly.

- When you register a company, you will be asked to choose a form of taxation. Do USN 6% and do not suffer. There is still UTII ( vmenenka, you do not apply), STS 15% ( this is more for the services sector ), the total system ( for those who work with VAT - God forbid you from it).

- After registration of the firm and collect all the other bills in one daddy. If you really want to hang in a frame BIN, it is better to make a copy of. And the originals in the folder. Often, the original need for something, and once and find the FIG. So Daddy here - need. You bet I did at least one certified copy of a notary. Let the lies, there is no request, and the money is small. But then it will save several days applying for something.

Actually in this legal stuff is over. Routine is that every quarter you bring the paper to the parishes of the accountant / costs. And she / he delivers reports to the tax, PF, and Social Insurance. And once a month, you pay taxes on wages (if you pay it). Once a quarter, list the tax USN. For IP, you can pay tax on the wages once a year, if there is no traffic on the current account.

Yes, there is such a clever trick. Even if officially on the FE is nothing less than a year, you still must pay the state represented by the PF and the Social Security coin. Since 2010. - 12tys. rubles.

Now about the business. Many fled immediately withdraw a large office, give cars advertising and so on. In fact, you should not hysteria. Your most important supplier of customers - your reputation. Over the years, your regular customers will generate 60-70% of your revenue. And the rest - one way or another relate to the recommended or ever heard of your magic hands. So quietly and systematically work with the ad copy from your competitors. Let's announcement in his hands and Fair, make business cards and scatter the familiar. And the smile. For example, a client for the client and build up your database. Could more detail, but so much written, and all very individual here.

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