Monday, April 16, 2012

Russians for the most part do not consider Russia as one of the leading powers in the world

Research Company. ... in the course of the next nationwide survey asked Russians what place Russia, in their opinion, is the world's achievements and how it can be proud of. The survey involved 1,500 residents of Russian cities with a population of 100,000 people or more, of the 8 federal districts, aged 18-60 years and older. Sample is representative of the urban population in Russia.

As the results of the survey, only 26 % of Russians believe that Russia as a state among the three world leaders. Another 11 % believe the country is in the world ranking position of 4.5, while 18 % believe that Russia is worthy of at least enter the top ten countries in the world. The most optimistic about the situation in Russia in the world of female respondents aged 18-24 years, workers and employees, people with low and middle income.

At the same time quite a large proportion of respondents ( 45%) believe that the country is not included in the top ten, of which 10 % said that Russia is not included even in a hundred of the leading states. A higher proportion of such responses observed among men, respondents aged 35-44 years with higher education and high social status. On average, according to the Russians, Russia is the world's 26 th position.

График 1. Как Вы считаете, какое место в мире занимает Россия как государство?

Figure 1. Q: What do you think, what in the world is Russia as a state?.

In assessing the position of Russia in the world of visible and regional differences. At the highest place in the world ranking (21) put Russia 's Southern Federal District residents. Were also patriotic citizens of the Volga and Far East. The lowest position (30) was awarded the country's Central Federal District respondents.

График 2. Как Вы считаете, какое место в мире занимает Россия как государство?

Figure 2. Q: What do you think, what in the world is Russia as a state?.
The distribution by federal districts.

Most respondents believe that Russia can be proud of. The main reason for pride Russians call the tradition of the people, as well as achievements in the aerospace, military technology, science and sport. Successes in the economy, the construction of a free society and democracy, Russians are proud of, to a lesser extent. However, one in five respondents ( 18%) responded that the citizens of Russia have nothing to be proud of.

График 3. Как Вы считаете, чем или какими последними достижениями могут гордиться граждане России?

Figure 3. Q: How do you think is or what the latest developments can be proud of the citizens of Russia?.


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